All the sh*t you didn’t learn in school

SOB is a revolution to rebuild the landscape for women everywhere.

To change future history. 

It’s more than personal growth.

We are the heartbeat of humanity - an unstoppable force when we stand together. For too long, women have been diminished and silenced. That ends now. The School of Badassery equips you with the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual armor to rewrite your legacy. To stand fierce in your power and create lasting change for all women, everywhere.

This is a movement fueled by courage, unbreakable sisterhood and unwavering self-belief. Our daughters, nieces, granddaughters are looking to us. They will inherit the reality we create today. Will that reality celebrate them or diminish them?

We hold the sacred duty to show them what grace, grit and fortitude can achieve by embodying limitless possibility ourselves.

Will you teach her to cast her eyes downward, hide her light, belittle her brilliance, subject herself to degradation and shame others?

Or will you teach her to rise above established limitations, to stand up for herself, to have self respect, to become the woman who will carry forward a legacy of resilient self-assuredness, grit, grace, compassion and unabashed self-love.

The School of Badassery is a safe haven for us to explore our power, sharpen our skills, and join an unstoppable sisterhood on a mission to transform the landscape for women everywhere. We use the archetype of the “Huntress”, a woman who stands tall in the face of adversity, knows her worth, follows her true north and supports her sisters.

Emerge as the truest version of you.

Online School launching 2025

Huntress Manifesto

A Huntress respects her body

A Huntress respects her mind

A Huntress respects her words

A Huntress respects her emotions

A Huntress respects her sisters

A Huntress respects her ancestry

A Huntress respects her brothers

A Huntress respects her worth

A Huntress respects her heart

A Huntress respects who she is

I am Huntress

Is SOB right for you?

Our ethos

  • Integrity is the bedrock of SOB and in becoming a Huntress, a woman who is driven by her word where her actions speak for themselves, where she can be trusted because her integrity is so strong.

  • Respect is the cornerstone of our ethos where each woman respects herself and everyone else whether she agrees or not, respect is ALWAYS shown. She respects her boundaries and the boundaries of others.

  • Loyalty to each other is necessary for us to create and build a network of women who can truly stand together and change the world. Women who carry the wisdom to pass onto the next generation.

  • We are the victors, not the victim. We take radical responsibility for our actions and never place blame on another. We listen to learn if there’s a disagreement and seek to find a solution together.

Who is this for?

  • This is for women who are willing to devote themselves to their growth. Who want to show up every day and create a foundation from which to build, grow and pass on to the next generation.

  • This is for women who are open to new concepts, open to diving deeper into concepts they already know, open to listening to understand, learn and INTEGRATE.

  • This is for women who are done with “quick fixes” and making excuses. We are women willing to stay committed to doing the work. Willing to be okay with delayed satisfaction knowing the outcome will be that much better by putting in the effort for LASTING change.

“We are the wisdom keepers, the teachers and the protectors of future generations.”


A global network of women who support each other, heal with each other and hold each other to a higher standard.

We aren't just leaders, we are the wisdom keepers, the teachers and the women whispering courage into the ears of every young girl spanning generations.

We are the legacy.


School of Badassery ignites the Huntress within every woman empowering her to cultivate the fierce grit and unwavering grace needed to change the course of history for generations to come.

Supported by a sisterhood forged by the standard of the Huntress and bonded by ethos.

The movement is now.

Who is behind Huntress and the SOB?

Huntress and SOB are run by Kirsten Asher, Head of Programs at Beast Philanthropy working with organizations across the globe to end suffering and Chief Operations Officer of Colorado based company, Brute Force Training under the direction of former Navy Seal Commander, Mark Divine.

Kirsten is a trained dancer, former stunt performer and artist. She also trains in Kapap Martial Arts and Krav Maga (Israeli self defense technique), has spent 10 years in the personal development space, is a breathwork practitioner and has been trained in the Rapid Rewire Method to rewire the subconscious and diffuse emotional charges so you can operate at your best.

With her unique background she teaches woman the foundational principles of learning, implementing and integrating.